About Jennifer

Jennifer Markell is the author of Samsara (Turning Point, 2014) which was a Finalist for the Massachusetts Book Awards, 2015.
Her second poetry collection, Singing at High Altitude, has been published by The Main Street Rag (November, 2021).
Samsara was also a Finalist in The Next generation Indie Book Awards, 2015. Her chapbook, Leaving the Green Elm Market, was a Finalist in the Sheltering Pines Chapbook Competition, 2005.
Jennifer’s poems have been published in journals nationally and internationally, including The Bitter Oleander, The Cimarron Review, The Comstock Review Awards Issue (Special Merit), Consequence, Diode, RHINO, Tinderbox, and The Women’s Review of Books.
Her poems have been anthologized in Poetry From Sojourner: A Feminist Anthology, (University of Illinois Press) The Compassion Anthology, Carapace 100 (South Africa), From the Farther Shore: Cape Cod & the Islands Through Poetry (Bass River Press), and Treelines: an anthology of 21st-century American poems (to be published by Grayson Books in 2022).
Before joining the board of the New England Poetry Club three years ago, Jennifer's poems were awarded the Barbara Bradley and Firman Houghton Awards. In 2016 she was a Finalist for the Rita Dove Prize in Poetry (International Literary Awards). Jennifer’s poems have been displayed at Boston City Hall, and she was invited to read her work at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
In her work as a psychotherapist, she is grateful to travel the “royal road to the unconscious” that dreams and poetry share.
"A slow bloom of light emerges from Markell's poetry with the confidence of a lone candle in the dark..."
–Leanna Stead, from a review in The Main Street Rag, 2015